How YOU can help us!

Below are two letters - one addressed to MP Lewis Cocking and the other addressed to the Broxbourne Council. Please copy and paste this into the message box along with your own details.

Dear Mr Cocking,

Re: Make Wormley High Road Safe!

As one of your constituents I am asking you to support our call for parliamentary time to be allocated as soon as is practical, for a full debate in the House of Commons on the subject of increasing Road Traffic, within residential communities, causing damage to homes, roads and devastation to families who have lost loved ones in road accidents.

I am supporting the local campaign: ‘Make Wormley High Road safe!’ I am writing to ask for your support and advice to ensure our community voice is heard. Particularly after the loss of a valued member of our community to a RTA only last week, (27.2.25).

Despite several of our residents having contacted Hertfordshire County Council, Angie Ridgewell of Highways, Broxbourne councillors and the police, on numerous occasions our issues to date have not been recognised.

Traffic on our residential road is now at an alarming level with huge heavy trucks travelling at perilous speeds. There are no traffic calming measures on the high road between Turnford roundabout and the roundabout near Londis and what we are seeing are vehicles travelling at often double the current speed limit or more. It is unsafe for our children, who we encourage to walk to school. Our community is at risk and also suffering from noise and air pollution from the increased volume of traffic. Particularly when the A10 traffic is diverted, for weeks at a time, without notifying residents their life will be disrupted, and the environmental conditions made so uncomfortable it is impossible to sleep.

Properties are being devalued by the structural damage caused by the increased weight, speed and volume of traffic. We are increasingly concerned that this will only get worse if it is not addressed. Broxbourne encourages economic growth through bringing in big businesses such as Google, the Printworks, Sunset studio and the planned new retail and leisure facilities to the area. All of this though welcome on many levels, needs to give consideration to the current infrastructure and residents wellbeing.

We are asking for your support to enable our community to secure:

  • Traffic calming measures.

  • Measures to ensure pedestrians and cyclists are safe and our homes are not adversely affected.

  • The prevention of HG and large transport vehicles from travelling down our residential road.

As I am sure you will know, there are already excellent examples across the country of councils managing similar situations effectively. And reports from these actions demonstrate increased health and safety for their local residents.

I would appreciate your reply at the earliest opportunity.

Yours sincerely,


Also feel free to send direct to:

Cllr Jim Clune
c/o Borough Offices
Bishops' College

Dear Jim Clune, Gordon Nicholson and David Taylor,

Re: Make Wormley High Road Safe!

I am writing to all three of you as a resident of Wormley, to support our concern regarding the increasing Road Traffic, within our residential community. It is causing damage to homes, roads and devastation to families who have lost loved ones in road accidents. I am asking for your support and advice to ensure our community voice is heard. Particularly after our loss of a valued member of our community to a RTA very recently, (27.2.25).

I am supporting the local campaign to ‘Make Wormley High Road safe!’.

Despite several of our residents having contacted Hertfordshire County Council, Angie Ridgewell of Highways, Broxbourne councillors and the police, on numerous occasions our issues to date have not been recognised.

Traffic on our residential road is now at an alarming level with huge heavy trucks travelling at perilous speeds. There are no traffic calming measures on the high road between Turnford roundabout and the roundabout near Londis and what we are seeing are vehicles travelling at often double the current speed limit or more. It is unsafe for our children, who we encourage to walk to school. Our community is at risk and suffering from noise and air pollution from the increased volume of traffic. Particularly when the A10 traffic is diverted for weeks at a time, without notifying residents their life will be disrupted, and the environmental conditions made so uncomfortable it is impossible to sleep.

Properties are being devalued by the structural damage caused by the increased weight, speed and volume of traffic. We are increasingly concerned that this will only get worse if it is not addressed. Broxbourne encourages economic growth through bringing in big businesses such as Google, the Printworks, Sunset studio and the planned new retail and leisure facilities to the area. All of this though welcome on many levels, needs to consider the current infrastructure and residents wellbeing.

We are asking for your support to enable our community to secure:

  • Traffic calming measures such as, speed camera’s that capture the average speed.

  • Measures to ensure pedestrians and cyclists are safe and our homes are not adversely affected.

  • The prevention of HG and large transport vehicles from travelling down our residential road.

As I am sure you will know, there are already excellent examples across the country of councils managing similar situations effectively. And reports from these actions demonstrate increased health and safety for their local residents.

I would appreciate your reply at the earliest opportunity.

Yours sincerely,


Also feel free to send direct to: